Our meetings are led by experienced and enthusiastic moderators, who not only have a deep knowledge of literature and cinema, but also real enthusiasts in the field of creativity and communication. Each of them is a professional who knows how to create an atmosphere in which each participant can open up and share their thoughts.
Chuck Bauch
Chuck is a movie buff and critic who follows the latest trends in the movie industry. His knowledge covers both classic films and new releases, and he is always ready to share his observations on directing, scripts and acting. Chuck often conducts workshops on analyzing films and film adaptations of books so that participants can understand how the film adaptations interact with the original works.
Brenda Green
Brenda is an organizer of unusual and exciting quests and interactive events that bring each meeting to life. She always comes up with something unconventional so that participants can become part of the story, be it role-playing games, riddles or theatrical performances. Brenda turns every meeting into an exciting adventure that is hard to forget.
Anita Williams
Anita is a certified literary scholar and a passionate fan of classic and contemporary works. She is passionate about analyzing works of literature, and her deep knowledge of literature helps each participant to understand the hidden meanings of texts. Anita organizes discussions on topics that concern society today and helps to reveal new sides to literary works.
Edgar Knowles
Edgar is a literary critic who specializes in analyzing different genres. He explores both classic and contemporary literary movements, identifying the characteristics of each style and genre. He helps club members learn about lesser-known authors and genres, and provides context for a deeper understanding of works.
In addition, our meetings often include book authors, filmmakers, and experts in various fields who come to share their knowledge and talk about the process of creating works. We always strive to bring you unique and enlightening discussions that will enrich your experience and make meetings even more exciting!